Tag: Cookies

[Traditional Dutch waffles with caramel filling] Stroopwafels recipe

[Traditional Dutch waffles with caramel filling] Stroopwafels recipe

Stroop-whaaat? Waffles? You never heard of Stroopwafels? As funny as the name sounds these sweeties (yes, “sweeties” is by far the most suitable expression because actually there are superduper sweet!) were first made in the Netherlands during the 19th century in a city named Gouda. 

[Bahlsen Roadshow – Meet me in the show kitchen!] + super easy dark & white chocolate Cookie crumble with mascarpone

[Bahlsen Roadshow – Meet me in the show kitchen!] + super easy dark & white chocolate Cookie crumble with mascarpone

There are some exciting news to announce regarding baking in a show kitchen! Maybe some of you have already seen the announcement on my Instagram account. Do you remember my trip to the Bahlsen CBA in Munich, where I spent an amazing weekend and had 

[sweet semifreddo Lasagne] Caramel Apple cookie crumble Lasagne

[sweet semifreddo Lasagne] Caramel Apple cookie crumble Lasagne

Well, with this recipe it is official autumn for me!  Time for apples, nuts, pumpkins, Halloween, long movie nights, rainy walks outside and cold weather. I am not a big fan of this dark and rainy time of the year, therefore I wanted to make 

[Ben & Jerry’s inspired ice cream] White chocolate Cookie Ice Cream

[Ben & Jerry’s inspired ice cream] White chocolate Cookie Ice Cream

Sometimes you just need ice cream, because not only it is satisfying and can lift up your spirits, it’s something you can prepare and keep in your freezer and eat it whenever you like, even if it’s 4 am! I think it’s hard to find