Sometimes you just need ice cream, because not only it is satisfying and can lift up your spirits, it’s something you can prepare and keep in your freezer and eat it whenever you like, even if it’s 4 am! I think it’s hard to find a good ice cream shop in a country where it’s cold and rainy most of the year. In addition I don’t really like store-bought ice cream (one exception: Ben & Jerry’s is always a good idea!). Inspired by the thought of creating an ice cream which is rich in flavour and with big chunks of cake or cookies in it, this idea came to my mind:
The solution to all problems: White chocolate Cookie Ice Cream! This is a very easy recipe which can be prepared in a short time. The only thing is, that you have to wait at least 6 hours until it’s firm! Hope you enjoy the ice cream and you can find the Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe here!

- 2 tbsp coarse sugar
- 5 tbsp water
- 300 g white chocolate
- 300 g heavy cream
- 3 eggs
- 10 cookies
Cover a pan with plastic wrap or provide a plastic box. Melt the sugar with the water on medium heat until it turns smooth into syrup.
Now add the chocolate and stir in until melted. Let it cool completely (very important!). Separate the eggs. Beat the egg whites until stiff.
Add the egg yorks to the chocolate mixture. In an extra bowl beat the heavy cream until smooth and stiff. Next step, combine the egg whites and heavy cream until it's a smooth mixture. Crumble the cookies in small chunks and stir them into the mixture.
Pour the mixture into the pan or plastic box. Freeze overnight or for at least 6 hours.
The taste of this ice cream always reminds me of my first trip to the United States. I haven’t tried B&J’s ice cream before in my life. So in front of a supermarket somewhere in New York City, it was the first time and love at first bite! Since then I am a big B&J’s fan! But of course I also love ice cream from other countries like Italy (recipes will follow), France (best lavendel ice cream) and Spain!
Lots of Love
Wundervoll! <3 Werde ich auf jeden Fall ausprobieren! Nimmt man am besten selbstgemachte oder fertige, gekaufte Cookies?
Dankeschöne, meine Liebe 🙂 Natürlich kannst du auch gekaufte Cookies nehmen. Aber mein ultimatives chocolate chip Cookies Rezept (nach endlos langer Suche endlich gefunden!) folgt in den nächsten Tagen <3
YAY! 🙂 das war die Antwort auf die ich gewartet have! Freue mich <3