Finally exam period is over!! After hours of studying now it’s time for some free time! Time for baking, meeting friends and travelling (can’t wait to get on a plane again next week)! To start this season with an appropriate cake I thought about my favorite recipes that I already posted which lead me to this chocolate crumble cheesecake!
Maybe you remember my version of New York cheesecake I posted a few weeks ago? Cheesecake is by far one of my all time favorite cakes. So how can you beat your favorite cake? My idea was to add dark chocolate, streusel and a caramel layer. To create a very smooth, creamy and rich consistence I used ricotta cheese and mascapone. I have to admit that I love eating but this cheesecake is that rich and heavy that I nearly couldn’t finish my piece of cake. Crumbly and buttery streusel on top of the creamy and chocolatery filling meet a caramel layer between two bottoms of crispy shortcrust…

for the shortcrust:
- 250 g flour
- 1 egg
- 150 g butter (room temperature)
- pinch of salt
- 100 g sugar
- 3 tbsp. unsweetened cacao powder
- 3-4 tbsp. caramel sauce
for the filling:
- 100 g dark chocolate
- 100 g nut nougat
- 250 g ricotta cheese
- 250 g mascapone
- 300 g cottage cheese
- 300 g plain yoghurt
- 150 g sugar
- 3 eggs
- 1 package of chocolate custard powder
- 1 tbsp. unsweetened cacao powder
for the streusel:
- 125 g flour
- 75 g butter
- 1 tbsp. cacao powder
- pinch of salt
- 3-4 tbsp. cold water
Prepare the shortcrust: Mix together flour, salt, cacao powder and sugar. Then cut the butter into smaller chunks and add together with the egg to the dough. Knead until smooth, wrap into plastic and put in the fridge for 30 minutes.
Meantime prepare the filling by separating the eggs and beat the egg whites until stiff. In another bowl mix together sugar, ricotta, mascapone, cottage cheese and the yoghurt. One after another add the egg yorks. Over an waterbath melt the dark chocolate and nut nougat and slowy add to the mixture. Now add cacao powder and the chocolate custard powder. At last add the stiff egg whites.
Preheat oven to 180°C and prepare a pan by oling it. Take the shortcrust dough out of the fridge and half it. Roll out and put into the pan, cover with caramel sauce. Then take the other half and roll in out the same way. Put it onto the caramel sauce and try to form a edge to prevent filling from leaking.
For the streusel: Whisk together flour, sugar, salt and cacao powder. Melt butter and add it with the cold water. Crumble dough until streusel are appearing. Cover the cake with the streusel and bake for one hour. Let it cool completely then remove from pan.
Have fun baking!
Lots of Love