Tag: Bahlsen

[Bahlsen Roadshow – Meet me in the show kitchen!] + super easy dark & white chocolate Cookie crumble with mascarpone

[Bahlsen Roadshow – Meet me in the show kitchen!] + super easy dark & white chocolate Cookie crumble with mascarpone

There are some exciting news to announce regarding baking in a show kitchen! Maybe some of you have already seen the announcement on my Instagram account. Do you remember my trip to the Bahlsen CBA in Munich, where I spent an amazing weekend and had 

[review about my trip to the BahlsenCBA in Munich +] Salted peanuts Caramel Cookies

[review about my trip to the BahlsenCBA in Munich +] Salted peanuts Caramel Cookies

Last weekend I had the chance to spend an amazing and interesting weekend in beautiful Munich. The reason for this was that last year the german cookie company Bahlsen operated a competition where food bloggers could submit their cookie recipe inspired by some Bahlsen Cookies.